Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where and What in Sekolah Menengah Berakas (SMB)

Hellew SMBers,

Itz been awhile since i post a line here. Anyway, as most of you know that the SMB field is buzy under construction. Well you can see it right from the roadside. Have you ever wonder how it looks like before....crazy. Some people call it a mini "Golf Course" where you can see a similarity there, bunker, pool, green etc hehe. Anyway, check the above picture of SMB area. To my surprised, its pretty big huh. During our time, we didint have all those HSBC, Teguh Raya etc around it. But we had Kamar Store tough. Thats about it i think....we always went there at lunch time right before extra-class hehe.

So back to the main topic, here are some of the list of things we have ......

1- Old Hall. They can fit the whole students there. Macam Sardin yooooo hahaha.
2- Toilet, here a number of students were caught right-handed while smoking hehe. You know who you are hehe.
3- Science Block, where all the labs are...Physic, Chemistry, Biology.
4- ClassRoomzzz, here where it all happened hehe. You name it!!
5- Football field, now under construction. I think they makin' sort of like an arena. Waw!!
6- Teacher Staff Room, every morning asembly d sini lah. I remembered Sonny, Amminne, and Colin were amongst the regular students yang selalu tolong preparing the school PA system hehe.
7- You know this...the KANTIN babeh yeaaah
8- New Hall, kami yang buka resmi hehe. Officially opened in 1997. I think?
9- Old Staff Room, got few labs and class room there. During our time, the classroom aint got electricity man. Can you imagine?
10- The SMB Jungle Block, i only been there once, together with Mr. Armstrong, our geography teacher. He brought the whole class there just to study the recent work on the effect of wethering...hayaaa

So hope this will refresh you mind bout SMB. Will update this soon.

p/s: Sorry zan, lama inda ada bunyi hehe. I need a scanner....